Stop "Privileged" immigrants from cheating the system!

Jade Kara Tattersall Facebook Page

When Jade entered the country, she quickly got married and ended the romantic aspect of her relationship after only three months. However, she remained legally married to avoid being deported for overstaying her visa. A year after being in the country illegally, I met Jade and believed we had a future together. Despite my efforts to help her over several years, I found her to be a toxic person and eventually attempted to break up with her multiple times. In 2011, Jade filed false domestic violence charges against me, but later dropped them when she needed my help. In 2013, I arranged for her friend to take her in due to her toxic behavior, but shortly after, Jade revealed that she was pregnant with our son. Fearing deportation and a custody battle, I took her back in and attempted to make things work for the sake of our child. However, the relationship was short-lived as Jade showed no signs of improvement. To avoid the possibility of deportation, I suggested an open relationship in 2015, and from that point on, we were both in serious relationships with other people. I continued to house Jade out of fear for the alternative, but we were not in a loving or friendly relationship.

In 2016, we got married to facilitate Jade's green card, although I did not want to be involved in this process. In 2018, Jade filed another false domestic violence claim against me, causing me to feel numb and unsure of what to do next. We fought on the morning of and during our immigration interview in front of the agent, yet Jade was still granted her green card shortly before Christmas. After the new year, Jade began discussing divorce and demanded that I support her financially while she lived on her own with our children. When I disagreed, Jade filed a third false domestic violence claim, allowing her to take advantage of the victim services available in a sanctuary city.

In summary, Jade used the marriage and domestic violence systems to gain an advantage in various situations, including obtaining her green card and seeking financial support. Our relationship was strained, and we did not have a loving or friendly marriage.

To see other ways Jade Tattersall is abusing the system, please visit

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